Montessori Living

with Fiona
Home Environment and Parenting Consultations

Are you overwhelmed by all the toys, clothes and general stuff your child seems to accumulate? Are you looking to implement Montessori principles at home but don’t know where to start? Have you set up the environment but the kids aren’t engaging? Are you expecting a baby and want to set up the best space you can for your child on a tiny budget? We can help!

with Fiona
Montessori Parent Consultancy

With over 20 years experience working with families in homes, whilst travelling and in educational settings, at events and with four children of our own we have learnt a lot about what families and parents need to get the most out of their life and ease the pressures they face in today´s world. We know what they look for in the workplace, while they rest and what they hope for from their children’s schooling and can help businesses and services provide their employees and users with the best experience they can. From feeding stations, to play areas, to working schedules we can help set up everything your company needs.

with Fiona

Nido* is a place for parents and children from 3 months to walking to explore and enjoy together.

with Fiona and Kathryn
Montessori Parent-Toddler Classes

You can join our Montessori parent-toddler classes once or several tims a week with your toddler for 2.5 hours. The group includes time in the Montessori environment, a musical circle and individual snack preparation. There are a maximum of 6 children in the group and places are limited. For more information about the benefits of this group for your family follow us on instagram

Kids Classes

with Kathryn
English Bridge

Dieser Kurs richtet sich an nicht mutter-sprachlich Englisch sprechende Schüler und alle, die noch ein wenig extra Hilfe benötigen, um das erwartete Englisch Niveau des Gymnasiums oder NMS zu erreichen. Mit Spaß und Freude gibt dieser Kurs den Kindern die nötige Praxis and Kompetenz ihr Englisch zu verbessern, um ihnen das erste Jahr Gymnasium/NMS zu erleichtern.

For Grown-ups

with Belinda and Fiona
Birth and Parenting Preparation Course

Maria Montessori wrote much about the formation of the child after birth but it was her dear friend and colleague Adele Costa Gnocchi with whom she established the first Nido and birth preparation programme in Italy in 1946. To date, their research and findings are a beacon of hope for humanity and child care. Following on from this tradition we have joined forces with Belinda from Birth with Belinda, a UK trained midwife, to offer you the ultimate preparation for pregnancy, birth and the beginnings of parenthood. This is complimented with a session on how to prepare the family and home to support the babies transition to it's new life, using Montessori principles to guide us by Fiona from dugu.